Adobe redesigns a pen to draw on the Internet

How Adobe Reinvented The Pen To Draw On The Internet
By Mark Wilson,

What is the future of the cloud-connected interface? How about a simple pen and ruler?

This week, Adobe announced that the Cre­ative Suite was becom­ing the subscription-based Cre­ative Cloud. It didn’t go so well. But amidst the bad news, we ma…

How Adobe Reinvented The Pen To Draw On The Internet

Personally experiencing the nightmare of health IT

Robots, iPhones, and Windows XP—a personal journey through hospital IT
Sean Gallagher,

On the Sunday after Thanksgiving, I rushed my wife to the emergency room at Baltimore’s Sinai Hospital. What she thought was just the stomach bug du jour turned out to be a life-threatening condition that would take her to nearly every corn…

RT @arstechnica: Robots, iPhones, and Windows XP—a personal journey through hospital IT by @thepacketrat

Steve Ballmer’s Nightmare Is Coming True


Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, presents his pre...
Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, presents his pre-show keynote at the 2010 International CES in Las Vegas Wednesday evening. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Almost one year ago today, we laid out the night­mare sce­nario for Microsoft (MSFT) that could lead to its busi­ness col­laps­ing. After lay­ing it all out, we con­clud­ed, “For­tu­nate­ly for Microsoft, none of this is going to happen.”

We wer…

Steve Ballmer’s Nightmare Is Coming True

How the Tablet Will Change the World | Magazine

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBase
Image via CrunchBase

Great article on the new iPad which argues it represents a major shift in communication away from the conventional computer towards an always on, always connected, keyboard-less, mouse-less, cloud based, multi-sensory, gesture based social networking device.

Apple Mac Remote Surveillance: Yes, it is possible and easier than PC


Despite all the grumblings about security vendor’s lack of support for the Mac times are changing and there are now more and more solutions available.

Best Security Camera Solutions for Apple Mac Remote Surveillance.